Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov

In simpler terms, marketing is a process through which a company or an organization promotes the buying or selling of products and services to the target audience. There are various ways to market a product or service. Previously, businesses used to depend on traditional means to aware people about their products and services. Traditional methods of marketing include direct sales, print advertising, word-of-mouth marketing, tradeshows, radio and television advertising, and so on. But with the changing times and the onset of Digital India in the year 2015, the audience has gone digital which means a majority of people are spending a huge amount of their time at the online platform. Thus, it has become more paramount for business owners to keep up with their audience so that they get more sales and profits. Digital or online marketing is extremely advantageous for all businesses as digital marketing allows you to reach the masses in no time.

Purpple Designs is the place where an entrepreneur finds a complete digital marketing solution to upgrade his or her business. Online marketing is the only way a business can survive in this era of the digital world. Since Purpple Designs is a dynamic digital marketing company in Kolkata, we are sharing the top 7 benefits of opting for digital marketing over traditional marketing for any business. So, let’s not do any further ado and look at all of them thoroughly.

You should ditch traditional marketing and go for Digital Marketing because of the following reasons.

Economical in nature

Economical in nature

A majority of small and medium business owners do not wish to spend much on advertising and promotion due to cash crunch and no guarantee of ROI (Return on Investment) or threat of getting negative ROI. While big businesses can easily bear the negative returns, small business owners can’t take that risk and hence digital marketing is their only way out. Digital Marketing is cost-efficient and much cheaper than traditional forms of marketing.

Saves time and energy

Saves time and energy
Imagine selling your product door to door or waiting for people to read your ad in the newspaper to know of your services. Too much time and energy, right? With Online Marketing, your adverts only get shown to people who are most likely to buy your products or services by monitoring their user behaviour.

Highly measurable

Highly measurable
How would you trace if someone read your newspaper’s ad or came to you because of reference? With Digital Marketing, you get the opportunity to monitor the source of your advertising or marketing campaign in minutes with ease. All thanks to Google Analytics and Google AdWords!


The reason you are doing business is because you want exorbitant profit at low investment. Digital marketing will do that for you in no time! When you opt for a digital marketing campaign, you double your chances of earning a profit which wouldn’t have been possible in case of conventional marketing.

Super flexible

Super flexible
The worst drawback of traditional marketing is the concept of what’s done is done and lack of rectification. For instance, once you post an ad in a newspaper, you can’t rectify or edit it when needed and cancelling the ad might not get you any refund, this way you lose money and customers. But, in digital marketing, if you have written a business blog or an advertisement to sell something, you can edit it whenever or however you want! The reins are always in your hands!

Gives more exposure to the business

Gives more exposure to the business
Through digital marketing, your small business can go to places you have never been! Digital marketing gives aspiring businesses the chance to go global without a passport! That means you can earn in dollars or pounds and become richer sooner than ever.

Ideal for building the brand’s identity

Ideal for building the brand’s identity
Nowadays, building your brand’s reputation has become easier with online marketing! For that, your business needs a responsive website with a blog page featuring informative and relevant blogs and articles that directly or indirectly promote your business. Also, you will get more engagement and popularity if you are active on various social media platforms. With the aid of digital marketing, you can create a positive image of your brand in the minds of everyone.

So, what have you decided? Still planning to use old-fashioned ways of marketing? Or you would rather be smart and opt for digital or online marketing? If so then do contact Purpple Designs, the leading and economical online marketing agency in the city of joy, Kolkata. From social media marketing to search engine marketing to website designing and development, we have it all for you. Get A to Z digital marketing solutions only from Purpple Designs.


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